Strategic planning is the foundation for business success. The time executives dedicate to strategic thinking lets a team discover new ideas, point the way towards new opportunities for business success and determine the best ways to address challenges and priorities.
We help clients deepen the value of their strategic thinking. Working with senior executive teams, we facilitate sessions to shape sustainable strategies and effective action plans. Moreover, our approach to facilitating this team thinking is not traditional: we stretch our clients to envision new opportunities and ways to improve their businesses, invent or renew a promising vision and create the best ways to put the vision to work.
Time together as a management team is precious. We ensure you make the most of it! We prepare, facilitate and document the final strategic planning outcomes in a useful tool for your team to carry forward on their action plan.
Strategic Scenarios Research and Modeling
We provide support working with CFOs and the executive team to create financial models for scenarios under consideration to support decision-making, priorities, budget planning,forecasting and capital raises for strategic use.
Strategic planning often surfaces needs for implementation support. We collaborate with clients to assist with our experts across our divisions - CFOs, COOs, CIOs, CROs, CXOs – based on a client’s needs to ensure a business strategy roles out effectively.
"I personally want to thank you. The workshop you facilitated for us was absolutely perfect. It was exactly what we needed. We left with a new mission statement, a new name and a passion for our future. Everyone was so pleased with the workshop so: hats off to you!!!" — Uber
"Thank you so very much for leading us through a successful and energizing planning retreat. You did a magnificent job! With deft skill, you elicited the unique insights and best thinking each of us had to offer. We emerged with an inspiring vision for 2020, a framework for the next steps, and a strong sense of camaraderie with each other. The ideas and inspiration we gained with your outstanding assistance will carry us forward, as we work together to realize our vision for a Global Network for Transformative Gender Justice! Thank you so much for the gift of your time and expertise." — Iangel
"When we adopt strategies they recommend, we meet our goals and objectives without fumbling the ball. We are constantly going back to them." — Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
"I am so appreciative for your ability to facilitate our planning session. You succinctly and clearly gave us the key points to design a great road map to plot our course to 2020. It’s amazing how much we were able to do in such a short amount of time which is a tribute to your good leadership." — International Action Network for Gender Equity and Law